piatok 25. januára 2008

Say what you feel ... Povedz čo cítiš....

Gabriel Gárcia Márquez
Nobel literature laureate Gabriel Garcia Marquez,  Colombian author of international best sellers "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and "Love in the Time of Cholera"  says and wrote being diagnosed with lymphatic cancer  this words.....

If, for an instance, God should forget
that I am nothing but a puppet
made of cloth and should grant me
the gift of a piece of life,
I would probably not say all that I think
But think of all that I would say.
I would value things, not for their value,
but for their significance.
I would sleep very little and dream more,
With the awareness that every minute
we keep our eyes closed
We lose sixty seconds of light.
I would go forward
when others want to hold back,
I would wake when others sleep.
I would listen when others talk
And with how much joy
I would taste a good chocolate ice cream.
If God gave me a piece of life
I would dress in simple clothes and, first of all,
I would launch myself in front of the sun,
Presenting not only my naked body but also my soul.
My God, if I had a heart,
I would write my hate onto a piece of ice
And wait for the sun to appear.
I would paint onto the stars
A poem by Benedetti along with a dream by Van Gogh
And a song by Serrat.
The serenade that I would offer to the moon.
I would sprinkle roses with my tears
To breathe in the pain of their thorns
And the red of kisses of their petals.
My God, if I had a piece of life,
I would not allow one day to pass
Without telling a beloved person that I love them.
I would tell every man and every woman
That they were my favourites
And I would live a life in love with love.
I would proof to people how wrong they are
When they stop falling in love
Fearing that they were getting older
Not knowing that they are getting older
When they stop falling in love !
I would give wings to a little child
But allow them to learn to fly by themselves.
I would teach old folks
That death does not arrive at old age
But through forgetfulness.
I have learned so much through you, people…
I have learned that everybody wants to live
On top of the mountain,
Not knowing that true happiness lies within
How this mountain has been climbed.
I have learned that when a newborn
Squeezes his dad’s finger for the first time in his little fist,
He has captured him for eternity.
I have learned that a man has the right
To look down from up high onto another man
Only to assist him to get back onto his own feet.
From you I have learned so many things,
But the truth is that they won’t be much use to me
Because when they put me into that suitcase
It will unfortunately be to die.
Always say what you feel
And do what you think.
If I knew that today was the last time
That I could watch you falling asleep
I would hug you and
Pray to God to allow me to be the
Guardian of your soul.
If I knew that today was the last time
That I saw you walking through that door
I would hug you, kiss you and call upon you
To do so even more.
If I knew that today was the last time
That I could hear your voice
I would register every single word
In order to hear them over and over again.
If I knew that these were the last minutes
That I’d see you
I would say “I love you”
And would not feel to overwhelm you one bit
By the fact that you already know.
There is always a tomorrow
And life gives us another possibility
To do things right.
But if I got this wrong and today was all there is left,
I would take delight in telling you
How much I love you
That I will never forget you.
Tomorrow cannot be insured by anybody,
Young or old.
Today can be your last time
To see somebody you love.
Therefore, don’t wait for more.
Do it today.
Because if tomorrow wasn’t going to arrive
You would surely regret the day where you did not
Have time for a smile, a hug, a kiss
And that you were too busy to fulfill a last wish.
Hold who you love close to you,
Tell them how much you need them,
Love them and treat them well
Find the time to tell them “I’m sorry”,
“forgive me”, “please”, “thank you”
and all the words of love that you know.
No one will remember your secret thoughts.
Ask the Lord to give you strength
And wisdom to express them.
Show your friends and beloved ones
That they are important.
Send this to who ever you want.
If you don’t do it today,
Tomorrow will be the same as yesterday.
And if you won’t ever do it, it won’t matter.
The moment is now
For you, With much love,
Your Friend,
Gabriel Garcia Marquez

More about Gabriel Garzia Marquez

Gabriel Garcia Marquez laureat Nobelovej ceny za literatúru,  Kolumbijský autor svetovo-najznámejších bestselerov  "Sto rokov samoty" a "Láska za čias cholery"  povedal a napísal v čase, keď mal diagnostifikovaný nádor lyfatických uzlín tieto slová.....

Povedz čo cítiš....

Pokiaľ by Boh na chvíľu zabudol,
že som len bábkou a daroval mi ešte odrobinku života,
využil by som ten čas najlepšie ako len dokážem.
Pravdepodobne by som nepovedal všetko,
nad čím premýšľam,
ale určite by som si premyslel všetko, čo poviem.
Hodnotil by som veci nie podľa ceny, ale podľa významu.
Spal by som málo a sníval viac, pretože viem,
že každú minútu so zatvorenými očami
strácame šesťdesiat sekúnd svetla.
Šiel by som, keď sa iní zastavujú,
budil by som sa, keď iní spia.
Keby mi Boh ešte daroval odrobinku života,
jednoducho by som sa obliekol a kráčal k slnku
a objavoval by som nielen svoje telo, ale aj svoju dušu.
Presviedčal by som ľudí, ako veľmi sa mýlia,
ak si myslia, že je nevhodné zamilovať sa, keď je človek starý.
Nevedia totiž, že starnú práve preto, lebo utekajú pred láskou.
Dieťaťu by som pripravil krídla,
ale dal by som mu ich, až keď sa naučí lietať.
Ľuďom vo vyššom veku by som pripomenul,
že smrť neprichádza so starobou,
ale so zabudnutím, či opustenosťou.
Toľko vecí som sa od vás naučil, ľudia...
Naučil som sa, že všetci chcú žiť na vrcholku hory,
ale zabúdajú, že naozajstné šťastie sa skrýva v spôsobe,
akým naň vystupujeme.
Naučil som sa,
že keď novorodenec po prvý raz chytí svojou dlaňou palec svojho otca,
drží ho už naveky.
Naučil som sa,
že človek môže pozerať na druhého zhora iba vtedy,
keď mu chce pomôcť, aby sa zodvihol....
Je ešte mnoho vecí,
ktoré som sa od Vás mohol naučiť,
ale v skutočnosti sa mi už neveľmi zídu,
pretože vo chvíli, keď ma vložia do truhly,
nebudem už nažive.
Hovor vždy,
čo cítiš a rob,
čo myslíš.
Keby som vedel, že ťa dnes posledný raz uvidím spať,
silne by som ťa objal a modlil by som sa k Pánovi,
aby mi dovolil byť tvojím anjelom strážnym.
Keby som vedel, že toto sú posledné minúty,
v ktorých ťa vidím, povedal by som: milujem ťa.
A nepredpokladal by som hlúpo, že o tom predsa vieš.
Vždy je nejaké ráno a život nám vždy dáva možnosť urobiť dobrý skutok,
ale pokiaľ sa mýlim a dnešok je všetkým,
čo mi ostáva, chcel by som Ti povedať
ako veľmi Ťa milujem a že na Teba nikdy nezabudnem.
Ráno nie je zaručené nikomu,
ani mladému ani starému.
Možno, že dnes sa posledný raz
pozeráš na tých, ktorých miluješ.
Preto sa nezdržuj a urob dnes to,
čo môžeš, pretože, ak sa ukáže,
že sa nedočkáš rána, budeš ľutovať deň,
v ktorom si nemal čas na jeden úsmev,
na jeden bozk,
budeš ľutovať, že si bol príliš zaujatý na to,
aby si im splnil posledné želanie.
Buď vždy nablízku tým,
ktorých miluješ,
buď na nich dobrý a nájdi si čas,
aby si im povedal: Je mi ťažko.
Prepáč. Prosím.
Ďakujem...a všetky tie láskavé slová,
 ktoré poznáš.
Nikto si ťa nebude pamätať za Tvoje utajené myšlienky,
preto pros Pána o silu a múdrosť,
aby si ich mohol vypovedať.
Dokáž svojim priateľom a blízkym, ako veľmi ich potrebuješ.
Tieto slová adresuj, komu len chceš.
Pokiaľ to neurobíš dnes,
ráno bude také ako to včerajšie.

Pre vás s láskou
Váš priateľ
G. G. Marquez

Viacej sa o ňom môžete dočítať Gabriel Garzia Marquez

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