štvrtok 31. júla 2008

Cosmical energy


That´s an amazing music,

listen it attentively...

do you feel that avalanche

of cosmical energy???

We are only a petty small part

of eternal universe. 

In spite of it

we are  his important part....

and this music tell us

that the life is gorgeous,

that the life is worth to live....


To úžasná je hudba,

načúvaj jej pozorne...

cítíš ten príval

kozmickej energie??

Sme iba nepatrnou.

drobnučkou časťou

nekonečného vesmíru.

Napriek tomu my sme

jeho dôležitou súčasťou....

a táto hudba vraví nám,

že život je nádherný,

že má cenu ten život žít....


utorok 29. júla 2008


It is only joke, you can to smile on it....but try something to think about it.....

"There was  laid in  few lands next question: 

"Please, what is your opinion of lack of foods in  other parts of the world?" 

Result was catastrophic.  

In Africa nobody knew, what is that "food".

In Western Europe nobody knew, what is that "lack of".

In Eastern Europe nobody doesn't know, what is that "; opinion".  

In South America doesn't know, what is that "please".  

In USA again doesn't know, what is that "in other parts of the world".

 A then do survey ..."


 Je to iba vtip, môžete sa na ňom pousmiať....ale skúste trocha o tom popremyšľať....


"Položili sme v niekoľkých krajinách nasledovnú  otázku:
"Prosím vás, aký je váš názor na nedostatok jedla v iných
častiach sveta?"

Výsledok bol katastrofálny.

V Afrike nikto nevedel, čo je to "jedlo".
V západnej Europe nikdo nevedel, čo je to "nedostatok".
východnej Európe nikto nevedel, čo je to "Váš názor".
V ju
žnej Amerike nevedeli, čo je to "prosím Vás".

V USA zasa nevedeli, čo je to "v iných častiach sveta". A potom robte prieskumy ..."

pondelok 28. júla 2008

Vangelis- Creation Du Monde

Vangelis is a famous Greek composer and keyboardist. He composes and performs mainly instrumental music and film scores. During his career he has flirted with many genres and has proved to be very hard to categorize. His music has been filed as "synthesizer music", "new age", "progressive rock", "Symphonic rock", "Space music", "electronic music", etc. etc. None of those terms is spot on and his output is too varied to catch in one word.

He was born as "Evanghelos Odyssey Papathanassiou" on march 29th 1943 in a small town near Volos, Greece. He started playing the piano at the age of 4 and gave his first public performance of his own compositions at the age of 6. During his student years he was an important part of a successful Greek pop band called the "Forminx". He moved to Paris in the late sixties while forming the band "Aphrodite's Child", together with singer Demis Roussos and drummer Lucas Sideras. They scored many hits all over Europe. In 1970 the group broke up and Vangelis started a solo career. In '75 he moved to London where he set up the legendary Nemo studio that he used to record many of his famous albums and soundtracks. Most legendary are perhaps the Oscar winning score to "Chariots of Fire" and the ever popular score to Ridley Scott's landmark cult film "Blade Runner". In 1987 he left London and subsequently recorded music in Athens ("Direct", "Voices"), Rome ("The City") and Paris ("1492").

Appart from creating music, Vangelis also exercises other arts including painting, which has been doing almost all of his life. Only recently has Vangelis come out of the limelight as a painter, showing his work on a small number of exclusive exhibitions.

štvrtok 24. júla 2008

Now I know! I´m a Comma....

I found this test on a blog of I-ArtMan ( man who much captured me with his Art),
so I just tried do it for me....and what you my dears, you will it try also????? :)

You Are a Comma
You are open minded and extremely optimistic.
You enjoy almost all facets of life. You can find the good in almost anything.

You keep yourself busy with tons of friends, activities, and interests.
You find it hard to turn down an opportunity, even if you are pressed for time.

Your friends find you fascinating, charming, and easy to talk to.
(But with so many competing interests, you friends do feel like you hardly have time for them.)

You excel in: Inspiring people

You get along best with: The Question Mark

streda 23. júla 2008

Each to his Destiny

A Samurai who was known for his nobility and honesty, went to visit a Zen monk to ask advice. However, the moment he entered the temple where the master was praying, he felt inferior and concluded that, in spite of having fought for justice and peace all his life, he hadn’t even come near the state of grace achieved by the man before him.

- Why do I feel so inferior? - he asked, as soon as the monk finished his prayers. - I have faced death many times, have defended those who are weak, I know I have nothing to be ashamed of. Nevertheless, upon seeing you meditating, I felt that my life had absolutely no importance whatsoever.

- Wait. Once I have attended to all those who come to see me today, I shall answer you.

The samurai spent the whole day sitting in the temple gardens, watching the people go in and out in search of advice. He saw how the monk received them all with the same patience and the same illuminated smile on his face. But his enthusiasm soon began to wane, since he had been born to act, and not to wait.

At nightfall, when everyone had gone, he demanded:
- Now can you teach me?

The master invited him in and lead him to his room. The full moon shone in the sky, and the atmosphere was one of profound tranquility.

- Do you see the moon, how beautiful it is? It will cross the entire firmament, and tomorrow the sun will shine once again. But sunlight is much brighter, and can show the details of the landscape around us: trees, mountains, clouds. I have contemplated the two for years, and have never heard the moon say: why do I not shine like the sun? Is it because I am inferior?

- Of course not - answered the samurai. - The moon and the sun are different things, each has its own beauty. You cannot compare the two.

- So you know the answer. We are two different people, each fighting in his own way for that which he believes, and making it possible to make the world a better place; the rest are mere appearances.

Source :http://paulocoelhoblog.com/

Každý k svojmu osudu

Samuraj, ktorý bol známy svojou ušľachtilosťou a počestnosťou, navštívil Zenového mnícha aby ho požiadal o radu.  Avšak vo chvíli keď  vstúpil do chrámu kde sa majster  modlil  naraz sa začal cítiť ako druhoradá osobnosť. Usúdil, že napriek tomu, že celý svoj život  bojoval za spravodlivosť a mier  ani sa len nepriblížil k stavu požehnania, ktorý dosiahol muž kľačiaci pre ním.

- Prečo sa cítim ako druhoradá  osobnosť? – spýtal sa, ako náhle mních ukončil svoje modlitby.

 -Čelil som veľakrát smrtí, bránil som slabých. Viem, že sa nemám začo hanbiť.  Napriek tomu vidiac Vás tu rozjímať, mám pocit, že môj život nemal absolútne žiadný význam.

Počkaj! povedal mních, ako náhle sa postarám o všetkých, ktorí ma dnes prídu navštíviť  dám ti odpoveď.

Samuraj strávil celý deň posedajúc v kostolnej záhrade , hľadiac na ľudí hľadajúcich  radu, ktorí vchádzali dnu a vychádzali von .Vnímal ako ich mních všetkých prijal s rovnakou trpezlivosťou a rovnakým vľúdnym úsmevom na tvári. Jeho zápal však začal sa pomaly vytrácať, pretože on sa nenarodil na čakanie ale na konanie.

Za súmraku, keď všetci odišli, dožadoval sa u mnícha: Teraz môžeš učiť mňa?

Majster ho pozval ďalej, uviedol ho do svojej izby.  Mesiac v úplnku svietil na oblohe a vôkol panovala  atmosféra hlbokého pokoja.

Vidíš  aký krásny je Mesiac?  Celú noc bude križovať nebeskú klenbu, a zajtra bude znova svietiť Slnko .  Lež  slnečné svetlo je omnoho jasnejšie a dokáže  ukázať detaily krajiny okolo nás:  stromy, pohoria, oblaky.  Ja som rozjímal roky o všetkom ale nikdy som nepočul, žeby Mesiac povedal : Prečo ja nežiarim rovnako ako Slnko?“  Je to preto, že ja som druhoradý či menejcenný?

- Samozrejme, že  nie - odpovedal Samuraj. – Mesiac a Slnko sú odlišné veci, každý má svoju vlastnú krásu.  To sa nemôže porovnávať.

- Tak a teraz poznáš odpoveď. povedal mních.  My dvaja sme rôzni ľudia, každý zápolíme svojím vlastným spôsobom v ktorý veríme, ktorý nám umožňuje vytvoriť lepšie miesto z tohto Sveta. Všetko ostatné je iba zdanie.
Zdroj :http://paulocoelhoblog.com/

utorok 22. júla 2008


"Laughter relaxes.
And relaxation is spiritual.
Laughter brings you to the earth,
brings you down from your stupid ideas
of being holier-than-thou.
Laughter brings you to reality as it is.
The world is a play of God,
a cosmic joke.
And unless you understand it
as a cosmic joke
you will never be able to understand
the ultimate mystery.
I am all for jokes,
I am all for laughter."

"Smiech uvoľňuje. 
Relaxácia je duchovná aktivita. 
Smiech ťa prinesie  k zemi,
znesie ťa dole
z tvojich naivných predstav
že si svätejší, ako v skutočností si. 
Smiech ťa privádza k realite,
takej aká je.
Svet je hra Boha,
kozmický žart. 
A pokiaľ  nechápeš svet 
ako  kozmický žart
nikdy nebudeš schopný rozumieť
skutočnej záhade. 
Já som vo všetkom za žarty,
vo všetkom za smiech."


piatok 18. júla 2008

Thoughts for thought...

...join those who sing, tell stories,
enjoy life and have happiness
in their eyes...
...because happiness is contagious
and always manages to keep people
from being paralyzed by depression,
loneliness and troubles....
...and tell your story,
even if it’s only for your family,
friends to read....
author: unknown

Myšlienky na zamyslenie.

....pripoj sa k tým, čo spievajú, príbehy rozprávajú,
milujú život a šťastie majú
v svojích očiach....
...lebo šťastie je nákazlivé
a vždy dokáže udržať ľudí,
by nepodľahli depresií,
osamelostí a ťažkostiam....
...a rozprávaj svoje príbehy,
aj keď len pre svojích blízkych,
priateľom ich čítaj....

utorok 15. júla 2008

What religion do you fit in with?

I found this quiz on site of my friend Tiina, fulfilled it and I got this information about myself.
If you want you can also made it for yourself....maybe you will be surprised:)

You fit in with:

40% spiritual.
60% reason-oriented.

Your ideals are mostly spiritual, but in an individualistic way. While spirituality is very important in your life, organized religion itself may not be for you. It is best for you to seek these things on your own terms.
Take This Quiz at QuizGalaxy.com

Walking along the river site

It´s Sunday morning 6:30 AM. I had opened a window of 7th floor, where I live. In the distance about the my town I saw three balloons after the nightly fly, I wanted took a picture of them but they are on my pictures almost invisible ...
Afterwards we moved with Danny along our daily way, along the river site...
Danny run, sprang, enjoyed the water, swam and I took and took and took a pictures, we enjoyed it greatly both....
Later we met the friends of Danny and also of mine...and this was another enjoyment...

streda 9. júla 2008


Sky above   the city Košice was also on this year 
from 4th to 8th June 2008
ploughed with the many coloured balloon within
the  15th. anniversary of international Ballon Fiesta
U S Steel Balloon Cup Košice
Exccept of  balloonist from Czech and Slovakia took a part on this event also balloonist from Netherlands, Austrian, Slovinian, Hungary, Poland and for the first time too from Switzerland
Balloon club Kosice is the oldest and biggest club for balloon flights in Slovakia. In the present time has club   around 30 active members  and eight balloon, at which part his activities is too theoretic and practical drill pilot.
International Ballon Fiesta 2008 is the most distinguished sportingly - social events of our town this  year . Allure you sight coloured balloon? For this who would like to enjoying a the sight to  Kosice from hightness and in balloon bin it wan nothing  impossible. Organisers ot this event prepared for participants  extraordinary offers that fulfilled to some peoples their dreams ....

štvrtok 3. júla 2008


My friend Tinna asked me: I wonder what is this tree? Never seen one like that before. It's gorgeous!"

I must remorsefully confess I don't know.....Here on a settlement where I live are some trees of this sort...They are very specific trees. All the tress in our surroundings was green and in bloom just on beginning of May but this trees even on the end of May was without leaves, such like in winter months.
I first thought that maybe this trees dried up and I stopped to attend them.
Only in the end of last week I noticed a great change that happened with these trees.
Really these trees are so wonderfully and so gorgeous!!!
I'm as wes so wonder like my friend Tiina what is this tree for ????
Know its name somebody of you my dear friends or visitors?????
I will be glad if you give me some more information:) thank you much:)


In the United States, Independence Day commonly known as

the Fourth of July

is a federal holiday commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence
on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain.
Congress approved the wording of the Declaration on July 4 and then sent it to the printer.

Independence Day is commonly associated with fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals, picnics, baseball games, and various other public and private events celebrating the history, government, and traditions of the United States, but is often also viewed as simply a summer festival, apart from its patriotic overtones.



to all my friend and visitors from USA


V Spojených štátoch  Deň nezávislostí obvykle nazývaný ako

štvrtý júl

je federálny sviatok pripomínajúcí prijatie Deklarácie o nezávislostí
4.júla 1776,  deklarujúcej nezávislosť na Kráľovstve Velké Británie.
Kongres schválil znenie deklarace na 4.júla a potom to poslal do tlačiarne.

Deň nezávislostí je obvykle spojený s ohňostrojmi,  prehliadkami,  slávnosťami  s verejným opekáním pečene,  karnevalov,  piknikov,  basebalových hier  a rôzných dalších verejných a súkromných dianí oslavujúcich historiu,  vládu,  tradície Spojených štátov,  ale často sú tiež videné obyčajné letné festivaly,  nehovoriac o ich  vlasteneckých podtextoch.


Šťastný Deň nezávislostí prajem

všetkým mojím priateľom a návštěvníkom z USA

utorok 1. júla 2008

Leonard Cohen - Dance Me to the End Of Love

Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin
Dance me through the panic 'til I'm gathered safely in
Lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love

Oh let me see your beauty when the witnesses are gone
Let me feel you moving like they do in Babylon
Show me slowly what I only know the limits of
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to the wedding now, dance me on and on
Dance me very tenderly and dance me very long
We're both of us beneath our love, we're both of us above
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to the children who are asking to be born
Dance me through the curtains that our kisses have outworn
Raise a tent of shelter now, though every thread is torn
Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin
Dance me through the panic till I'm gathered safely in
Touch me with your naked hand or touch me with your glove
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love

Tancuj mi pre svoju krásu s horiacimi husľami
Tancuj mi aj cez paniku pokiaľ ťa ja pozorujem v bezpečí
zdvihni ma ako olivovú ratolesť a domov smerujúcu holubicu
Tancuj mi do konca lásky
Tancuj mi do konca lásky

Nechaj ma pozerať na tvoju krásu, keď svedkovia sú preč
nechaj ma sledovať, že hýbeš sa ako to robia v Babylone .
ukáž mi pomaly čo iba ja viem tie hranice
Tancuj mi do konca lásky
Tancujmi do konca lásky.

Tancuj mi do svadby práve teraz, tancuj mi ďalej a ďalej
tancuj mi veľmi nežne a tancuj mi veľmi dlho .
my obaja sme pod našou láskou, my obaja sme nad ňou
tancuj mi do konca lásky
tancuj mi do konca lásky.

Tancuj mi do detí, ktoré sa žiadajú narodiť
tancujmi cez záclony ktoré naše bozky prekonali
zdvihni plachtu krytu práve teraz, hoci každá niť je roztrhnutá
tancuj mi do konca lásky
tancuj mi do konca lásky

Tancuj mi pre tvoju krásu s horiacimi husľami
Tancuj mi aj skrz paniku pokiaľ ťa ja pozorujem v bezpečí
Dotkni sa ma svojou nahou rukou alebo sa dotkni ma s rukavicou
tancuj mi do konca lásky,
tancuj mi do konca lásky,
tancuj mi do konca lásky .

Barbra Streisand Women In Love

Women in love

Life is a moment to space
When the dream is gone
it's a lonelier place

I kiss the morning goodbye
But down inside, you know we never know why
The road is narrow and long
When eyes meet eyes and the feeling is strong
I turn away from the wall,
I stumble and fall, but I give you it all

I am a woman in love
And I'd do anything to get you into my world and hold you within
It's a right, I defend, over and over again
What do I do?

With you eternally mine
In love there is no measure of time
We planned it all at the start
That you and I live in each other's heart
We may be oceans away
You feel my love, I hear what you say.
No truth is ever a lie,
I stumble and fall, but I give you it all.


Ooooh Yes I am a woman in love and I'm talking to you,
You know I know how you feel, what a woman can do.
It's a right, I defend, over and over again.
What do I do.
I'm a woman in love
And I'll do anything to get you into my world
And hold you within
It's a right I defend ....

Zamilovaná žena

Život je okamžik nekonečný
Keď sen je preč,
je to najosamelejšie miesto

Bozk na rannú rozlúčku
Ale upadám, vieš to, ale my nikdy nevieme prečo
Cesta je úzka a dlhá
Keď oči sa s očami stretnú a city sú silné
Odvraciam sa od steny,
zakopnem a padám, ale všetko ti dám .

Ja zamilovaná žena som
Urobila by som čokoľvek
aby som ťa dostala do môjho sveta a udržala v ňom .
To je správne, Ja bránim sa, znova a znova
čo iné môžem urobiť?

S tebou navždy mojím
láska sa nedá merať časom
Všetko sme si tak od začiatku naplánovali
Že ty a ja budeme žiť v srdci toho druhého
Nás môžu oceány deliť
Ty cítiš moju lásku, ja počujem čo ty povieš.
Žiadna pravda nie je lož,
zakopnem a padám, ale všetko ti dám.

Ooooh , áno ja zamilovaná žena som, rozprávam s tebou,
ty vieš, že viem čo ty cítiš, čo žena je schopná urobiť.
To je správne, ja hájiť budem znova a znova.
Čo ja môžem urobiť.
Zamilovaná žena som ja
a čokoľvek urobím aby som ťa dostala do môjho sveta
a udržala ťa v ňom
To je moje právo, ktoré si bránim ....