štvrtok 30. apríla 2009

May / Máj

Karel Hynek Mácha (1810 - 1836)
was a great Czech Romantic poet
and author of the epic poem Máj (May).
The poem, written in a remarkably
beautiful style, tells about the tragic
 love of two young people
and has become a poetic masterpiece
 of the Czech Romantic period
and Czech literature in general.


Late evening, on the first of May -
The twilit May - the time of love.
Meltingly called the turtle-dove,
Where rich and sweet pinewoods lay.
Whispered of love the mosses trail,
The flowering tree as sweetly lied,
The rose's fragrant sigh replied
To love-songs of the nightingale.
In shadowy woods the burnished lake
Darkly complained a secret pain,
By circling shores embraced again;
And heaven's clear sun leaned down to take
A road astray in azure deeps,
Like burning tears the lover weeps.

In my country there is such custom that at  the first May should be every woman kissed under the bloomed cherry´s tree...I hope you also will give or get kisses to or from your loved one....
and for everybody some kisses from me    

Karel Hynek Mácha (1810 - 1836)
bol vynikajúci český romantický básnik
a autor epickej poémy Máj .
Báseň je napísaná v pozoruhodne
krásnom štýle, rozpráva o tragickej láske
dvoch mladých ľudí
a stala sa poetickým majstrovským dielom
Českého-romantického obdobia
and Czech literature in general.


Byl pozdní večer - první máj -
večerní máj - byl lásky čas.
Hrdliččin zval ku lásce hlas,
kde borový zaváněl háj.
O lásce šeptal tichý mech;
květoucí strom lhal lásky žel,
svou lásku slavík růži pěl,
růžinu jevil vonný vzdech.
Jezero hladké v křovích stinných
zvučelo temně tajný bol,
břeh objímal je kol a kol;
a slunce jasná světů jiných
bloudila blankytnými pásky,
planoucí tam co slzy lásky.

U nás je zvykom, že na Prvého mája má byť každá žena pobozkaná pod rozkvitnutou čerešňou...dúfam, že ty tiež dáš alebo dostaneš bozky  svojej milovanej či od svojeho milovaného....a pre každého zopár odomňa 

Jarormír Nohavica - Já si to pamatuju

chtel sem ti zavolat a rict ze si ma mila
jedina na svete ktera mi jeste zbyla
chtel sem ti proste jenom rici ze si laskou moji
a ted se bojim
normalne bojim
v mobilu slysim jak tam nekdo cizi dycha
velike ucho se mi do zivota micha
co ja vim kdo se mi na druhe strane potutelne smeje
ma lasko zle je
normalne zle je

chtel sem byt s tebou
jen s tebou nejvice
nejaci ????? sraci se mi tlaci do me vlastni loznice
a tvrdi
zvedavi prdi
ze je to pro me dobro, ze sou na svou cestnou praci hrdi
ja dekuju
veliky bratre
sedici na fotelu uplne v tom nejhorejsim patre
ja dekuju
veliky bratre
nemysli si ze kazda dira ve strope belobou se zatre
to uz tu bylo

s tebou i bez tebe
ja o tom neco vim
zasrane STB
ja si to pamatuju
tu hruzu pamatuju
ty noci pamatuju
ta rana pamatuju
seznamy pamatuju zakazy pamatuju i lidi pamatuju sebe si pamatuju hrdiny pamatuju zbabelci pamatuju mlcici pamatuju tebe si pamatuju ma lasko pamatuju
zahledl sem v novinach vlastni podobiznu
narozen v komunizmu umru v komunizmu
ne chatu CT cetuji si macetami cetne cety
jako pred lety
ty same vety
a lide raduji se jak je pravda prosta
dobre mu tak, sak on vi za co dostal
a mezi temi vsemi darebaky jeden z mnoha
aky vicanoha

chtel sem byt s tebou
jen s tebou nejvice
nejaci ????? sraci se mi tlaci do me vlastni loznice
a tvrdi
zvedavi prdi
ze je to pro me dobro, ze sou na svou cestnou praci hrdi
ja dekuju
veliky bratre
sedici na fotelu uplne v tom nejhorejsim patre
ja dekuju
veliky bratre
nemysli si ze kazda dira ve strope belobou se zatre
to uz tu bylo
jen v jinem duetu
zase se to vraci
a je to zase tu
to vsechno zase tady
ta hruza zase tady
ty noci zase tady
ta rana zase tady
seznamy zase tady zakazy zase tady ti lidi zase tady i ja sem zase tady mlcici zase tady zbabelci zase tady i cisti zase tady i ty si zase tady ma lasko stale tady

udelame z tebe kasparka na niti
tititi ti-ti ti ti titititi
udelame z tebe to co ze sebe
bebebe be-be be be be bebebe

udelame z tebe vyvhrele
televizniho ju i hele
udelame z tebe tibetskeho dalajlamu
vaclava havla nebo prvni jeho damu

udelame z tebe hloupeho valacha
cisteho andela i spinaveho raracha
udelame z tebe ragulina i holika
udelame z tebe zase alkoholika

udelame z tebe tintili-vantili
bude ti to sluset v rezne kosili
udelame z tebe jerryho a toma
aby ses tu citil fakt jak doma
hrebikem te pribijeme jak kocku na vrata
tatata ta-ta ta ta ta tatata

streda 29. apríla 2009

One for you one for me...

One For You, One For Me

On the outskirts of town, there was huge nut tree by the cemetery fence. One day two boys filled up a bucketful of nuts and sat down by the tree, out of sight, and began dividing the nuts. "One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me," said one boy. The bucket was so full, several rolled out toward the fence.

Cycling down the road by the cemetery was a third boy. As he passed, he thought he heard voices from inside the cemetery. He slowed down to investigate. Sure enough, he heard, "One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me." He knew what it was. "Oh my," he shuddered, "It's Satan and St. Peter dividing the souls at the cemetery."

He cycled down the road fast as he could and found an old man with a cane, hobbling along. "Come here quick," said the boy, "You won't believe what I heard. Satan and St. Peter are down at the cemetery dividing the souls." The man said, "Shooo, you brat, can't you see I'm finding it hard to walk as it is."

But after several pleas, the man hobbled to the cemetery. Standing by the fence they heard, "One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me..." The old man whispered, "Boy, you've been telling the truth. Let's see if we can see the devil himself."

Shivering with fear, they peered through the fence, yet they were still unable to see anything. The old man and the boy gripped the wrought iron bars of the fence tighter and tighter as they tried to get a glimpse of Satan.

At last they heard, "One for you, one for me. And one last one for you. That's all. Now let's go get those nuts by the fence, and we'll be done." They say the old guy made it back to town five minutes before the boy.

utorok 28. apríla 2009

Swine Flu: Get to the Swine of the Matter


Brussel say: NO, we say YES!! -- Brusel hovorí:NIE, my hovoríme:ÁNO!!

Despite voters saying NO to giving Brussels any more power, the unelected bureaucrats are trying to pull off the biggest power grab in history by creating a new, unelected European President. Sign the petition to demand that every country must hold a referendum on any new Constitution or Treaty.

We demand that every country must hold a referendum on any new Constitution or Treaty which transfers more of our sovereignty to Brussels—the people must have a say.

Napriek voličom, ktorí hovoria NIE udeľovaniu väčších právomocí Bruselu, sa nevolení byrokrati snažia uchmatnúť najväčšiu moc v histórii ustanovením nového nevoleného Európskeho prezidenta. Podpíšte petíciu, ktorou požadujete, že každá krajina musí vyhlásiť referendum o akejkoľvek novej Ústave alebo Zmluve.

Žiadame, aby každá krajina musela vyhlásiť referendum o akejkoľvek novej Ústave alebo Zmluve, ktorými postupuje našu suverenitu do Bruselu— ľudia musia mať možnosť vyjadriť sa.


Prominent Canadians speak out against the war on Gaza - Judith Weisman - Jan 08 2009

I listened the poem which Judith Weisman said on the end of her speech and I found the transcript so I offer it to you it also :

Transcript of video:
DAVID ORCHARD: Our next speaker is Judith Weisman. Judith Weisman is a Toronto psychotherapist, a member of Independent Jewish Voices, and a founding member of Not In Our Name, Jews for a Just Peace and the Jewish Women's Committee to End the Occupation of Palestine.


I think everything that's important has already been said, except for one thing, and that is that this didn't just start when Israel began to invade and bomb Gaza. This didn't just start when Israel invaded Lebanon. This didn't just start when Israel invaded the West Bank and Gaza and the Golan Heights. And it didn't just start in 1948, when Israel ethnically cleansed over 700,000 Palestinians from their own homes and homeland and killed many of them in the process.

It started at least in 1897. And what started it was the virus and the horror that I now consider is Zionism. Zionism is the scourge of the Jewish people. It is Zionism that has created all of this. It is the Zionists with their nationalism and with their rejection of all that is good within Judaism who have created a horror in this world.

I came today — actually my arm had to be twisted, because I have not been that well — but I had to speak out once again. I had to say what is in my heart because I, a Jew and a former Zionist, who was a committed Zionist and wanted to live my life in Israel, as a supporter of Israel, wanted to live in a Kibbutz, where I would live on the land of another people, not knowing and not understanding what it was about. It took me many years for the scales literally to fall off my eyes and to see what Israel had wrought among the Palestinians, and the influence that Israel now has around the world, and the power that Israel and the United States together are using to control so much of what is happening in the world.

I'd like to end by reading a poem that came to me and is written by Lawrence Boxall, who is an anti-war activist and a member of Jews for a Just Peace in Vancouver.


Listen, O Israel, for the dull, dim thud
of your hard'ning heart, drained of joy.
Amidst dying embers of compassion
for the orphans and the widows
whose protruding round eyes
stare from starved faces
at your abundant good fortune,
you offer the sulphurous fumes of arrogance
as comfort.

Hear, O Israel, the stunned, dull tones of the father
wresting his dead baby from the cold arms
of his dead wife.

Your soul, O Israel,
hardened-immune to the suffering stranger,
chills my blooded veins, for you forget
"you were once a stranger in the land of Egypt"
was a reminder to take pity on the stranger.
Instead, you have become as Pharaoh and his hosts,
to escape the pain of the stranger that stares accusingly at you.
Your young, full-bellied army tortures the stranger
even as you delight in the stranger's humiliation
and witness your cruelty with banal calm eye, businesslike,
efficient, sophisticated, consummated.

My tears, O Israel,
flow hot and flow cold
as ice and fire dance, prance, tear through my mind
maddened, maddening to watch the soldiers of Pharaoh
emblazoned with Magen Dovid, the Star of David, hardened like steel
against the vulnerable soft flesh of your victims,
all the while
oblivious to the lapping sound of the waters of the Red Sea.
I choke on the fear of what you have wrought
to open the flood of this sea
that will consume both you and me.

Hear, O Israel, All is Vanity and we are all one;
Humanity is all one.

pondelok 20. apríla 2009

The promise of spring

It is the promise of spring that as we sow, so shall we also reap. Faith further provides to us an irrevocable law decreed in heaven which assures that for every disciplined human effort we will receive a multiple reward. For each cup planted, a bushel reaped, for every good idea given to another, many shall be given to us in return. For every demonstrated act of faith, a multiplicity of the rewards; and for every act of love given, a life of love in return.”

Just remember it is a natural characteristic of springtime to present itself ever so briefly, or to lull us into inactivity with its bounteous beauty. Do not pause too long to soak in the aroma of the blossoming flowers, lest you awaken to find springtime gone with your seed still in your sack.

With the intelligence, wisdom, and freedom of choice given to us as humans exercise the discipline to plant in spite of the rocks, weeds, or other obstacles before us. The rocks, weeds, and thorns of the world cannot destroy all your seeds if you plant massively enough and intelligently enough. My suggestion is to choose action, not rest. Choose truth, not fantasy. Choose a smile, not a frown. Choose love, not animosity. Choose the good in life in all things, and choose the opportunity as well as the chance to work when springtime smiles on your life.

Spring shows us that life is truly a constant beginning, a constant opportunity, a constant springtime. We need only to learn to look once again at life as we did as children, letting fascination and curiosity give us welcome cause to look for the miraculous hidden among the common.

Get busy quickly on your springs, your opportunities. There are just a handful of springs that have been handed to each of us. Life is brief, even at its longest. Whatever you are going to do with your life, get at it. Don’t just let the spring pass by.

written by: Jim Rohn

Prísľub jari

Je to prísľub jari, že čo zasadíme to tiež pozbierame. Viera nám poskytuje neodvratný dôkaz o tom, že za každé dobre naplánované ľudské úsilie sa nám dostane viacnásobná odmena.  Z každého zasadeného semienko vyrastie ker, za každú darovanú dobrú myšlienku, sa nám ich veľa vráti. Za každý vykonaný čin viery, mnoho odmien dostaneš, Za každý čin darovanej lásky, vráti sa nám život plný lásky.

Len si zapamätajte, charakteristickou črtou jarného obdobia je prezentovať sa ako čisté a jednoduché, alebo čas na zdržiavanie sa nečinne s údivom nad jarnou krásou. Nezdržiavajte sa príliš dlho, aby ste načerpali vôňu čerstvých kvitnúcich kvetov, pretože sa naraz prebudíte a zistíte, že jar je preč a vaše semienka sú stále vo vrecku.

S inteligenciou, múdrosťou a slobodnou voľbou, ktorá nám ľuďom  bola daná si precvičujte "disciplínu" sadenia aj napriek množstvu kameňov, buriny a iných prekážok. Kamene, burinu a tŕne sveta nemôžu zničiť všetky vaše semená ak ich budete sadiť dostatočne silne a dostatočne inteligentne. Navrhujem  vybrať si činnosť a nie odpočinok. Vybrať si pravdu a nie fantáziu. Vybrať si úsmev, ne mračno na vašej tvári. Vybrať si lásku, nie pretvárku. Vybrať si všetky dobré veci v živote zo všetkých vecí, a vybrať si príležitosť a šancu pracovať, keď sa jar usmieva na váš život.

Jar svedčí o tom, že život je plný začiatkov, plný príležitostí, plný jarných období. Len sa musíme naučiť obzerať sa späť v živote tak, ako sme sa pozerali na veci, keď sme boli deti,  dovoliac okúzleniu a zvedavosti ukázať nám cestu k zázrakom schovaných medzi bežnými vecami. Rýchle sa zamestnajte vašom jarou, vašimi príležitosťami. Život je skrz-naskrz krátky. Čokoľvek si zaumieniš so sebou urobiť, dotiahni to do konca.  Nenechaj jaro by ti ušlo.

napísal: : Jim Rohn

nedeľa 19. apríla 2009

Morning´s chattering of birds

Spring 2009

Bobby Darin - Simple song of freedom

Come and sing a simple song of freedom
Sing it like you've never sung before
Let it fill the air
Tell the people everywhere
We, the people here, don't want a war

Hey there, Mister Black Man can you hear me?
I don't want your diamonds or your game
I do want to be someone known to you as me
and I will bet my life you want the same

Come and sing a simple song of freedom
Sing it like you've never sung before
Let it fill the air
Tell the people everywhere
We, the people here, don't want a war

Seven hundred million are enlisted
Most of what you read, most of what you read, is made of lies
But speaking one to one, ain't it everybody's sun
To wake to in the morning when we rise?

Come and sing a simple song of freedom
Sing it like you've never sung, never sung, before
Let it fill the air
Tell the people everywhere
We, the people here, don't want a war

No doubt some folks enjoy doin' battle
Like presidents, prime ministers and kings
So let's all build them shelves so they can fight among themselves
and leave us be those who want to sing

Come and sing a simple song of freedom
Sing it like you've never, ever, sung before
Let it fill the air
Tell the people everywhere
We, the people here, don't want a war

Come and sing a simple song of freedom
Sing it like you've never, ever, sung before
Speaking one to one
Ain't it everybody's sun
To wake to in the morning when we rise
Speaking one to one
Ain't it everybody's sun
To wake to in the morning when we rise

sobota 18. apríla 2009

Nohavica: Pravda a Lež - Truth and Lie

Pravda a Lež

Šla Pravda světem a na chudý duchem se smála
pro blahoslavený navlíkla honosný šat
v zákoutí špinavým drzá Lež ve stínu stála
ta Pravdu pozvala k sobě přenocovat
a Pravda znavená usnula jen co si sedla
ze sna se culila najivka důvěřivá
jen oči zavřela už se Lež z postele zvedla
a začla si pokradmu zkoušet ten její háv

S Pravdou mně můžete leda tak políbit záda
ženská je ženská tak jakýpak cavyky s ní
kdopak tu rozpozná která je Lež která Pravda
až budou obě dvě donaha vysvlečený
na její blůzu si její brož fešácky připla
pod paží stříkla si jejím dezodorem
peníze hodinky doklady - všechno jí štípla
odplivla odporně zaklela vypadla ven

K ránu až zjistila Pravda co všechno jí schází
před zrcadlem se pak notně podivila
někdo už odněkud donesl hrst černých sazí
aby se ta čistá Pravda tak nelišila
Pravda se smála že na ni kameny házejí
vždyť lež je to všechno a Lež taky mí šaty má
blahoslavení s ní protokol sepsali rázem
byla to rozmluva dost málo přívětivá

Vyfásla pokutu a ještě mohla bejt ráda
ostatně cizí šmouhy přišili jí
nějaká mrcha tu tvrdí že je prej Pravda
a zatím se potlouká nahá a ve škarpě spí
ubohá Pravda se brání a přiznat se nechce
to máš holka marný jak chceš se dušuj a křič
Lež zatím potvora ukradla vzrostlýho hřebce
a dlouhý a pěstěný nohy ji odnesly pryč

Leckterej hlupák se dodneška pro pravdu hádá
Pravdy se ovšem v těch řečičkách nedobereš
jistěže ve světě nakonec zvítězí Pravda
ale až dokáže to co dokáže Lež
často je k mání vodky jen půl litru na tři
a ani nevíš s kým dneska přenocuješ
někdo tě vysvlíkne řeknou ti že ti to patří
a dřív než se naděješ nosí tvé kalhoty Lež

Truth and Lie

Went the Truth across the world and at the wretch laughed in its mind
for blessed she dressed the pretentious garments,
the brazen Lie at a dirty corner in the shadow stood,
she invited the Truth to stay overnight at her.
The tired Truth felt asleep as soon as she sat down
of sleep she chuckled a confident innocent
just she shut herr eyes the Lie on bed stand up
and on a sly started trying on her garment.

With a Truth you can except to kiss my back
a woman is a woman so whats fiddle-faddle with her,
Who recognizes here what is the True and what Lie
when they both will be naked,
on her shirt its natty brooch fixed
under her arms sprinkled its deodorizer
the money, the watches, the documents - all she pinched of her
spilled, dirtily reviled and blew away.

In the morning when the Truth found out what all it lacks her
in front of the mirror she well marveled
someone from somewhere already brought a handful of black soot
so that this pure Truth doesn't been such different.
The Truth was laughed that they the stones at her throw,
well lie is it all and the Lie also my garments wears
the blessed with her the protocol immediately written
it was the talk quite a few friendly

Obtained penalty and yet she would be happy
Other foreign streak fasted her on
a bitch that claims that she are reputedly the Truth
and still she hanging naked in an escarp sleeping
The poor True prevents and doesn't want to admit
it is futile girl, how you want to swear solemnly and scream
The Lie, the bitch still stole the high-grown stallion
and long and well-kept legs her took away

Many od fools are up to now for truth disputes
The truth however in those chatter doesn't exhaust
of course in the world the Truth will ultimately prevail
but only when she manage what the Lie manage
often is only half a liter of vodka for three
and you yet don't know with whom will tonight sleep
someone will wear you off and tell you that it belong you
and before you know it your trousers will wearing the Lie.

piatok 17. apríla 2009


At Easter Sunday we made a small trip to neighbour Hungarian thermal cave-spa in city Miskolc-Tapolca In the middle of the north-east Hungary, in the tourist area of town Miskolc is located cave baths. Miskolc-Tapolca is surrounded by 1,150 per hectare oak, birch and pine woods. Spas are famous for their therapeutic effects since the 16th century. According to medical research in the cave air is extremely beneficial effects on katarové respiratory problems. For the world is considered miracle spring water in a local cave system, so that its temperature can reach up to 20 to 28 C, which is in the unique karst formations. Nicely restored, expanded and modernized cave spa provide guests with even a curious experience. You can swim in the rocky depths, recesses and narrow corridors of the cave. In the cave you are waiting and entertainment facilities in the garden and children's outdoor pool. Services complex treatment: Hydrotherapy, tangentor, treatment and a refreshing massage, electrotherapy, rheumatic room, sauna.

Cez Veľkonočný pondelok sme si urobili malý výlet do susedných Maďarských termalných jaskynných kúpeľov v meste Miskolc- Tapolca.
V centre regiónu severovýchodného Maďarska, v rekreačnej oblasti mesta Miskolc sa nachádzajú jaskynné kúpele. Miskolc-Tapolca je obklopená 1150 hektárovým dubovým, brezovým a borovým lesom.Kúpele sú známe svojimi terapeutickými účinkami už od 16. storočia. Podľa lekárskeho výskumu vzduch v jaskyni má mimoriadne priaznivý vplyv na katarové dýchacie problémy. Za svetový div je považovaná voda v studničkách tunajšieho jaskynného systému, preto že jej teplota dosahuje až 20 - 28 C, čo je v krasových útvaroch ojedinelé. Pekne obnovené, rozšírené a zmodernizované jaskynné kúpele poskytujú hosťom naprosto kuriózny zážitok. Môžete sa kúpať v skalných hlbinách, výklenkoch a v úzkych jaskynných chodbách. V jaskyni Vás čakajú aj zábavné zariadenia, v záhrade detský a otvorený bazén. Služby liečebného komplexu: hydroterapia, tangentor, liečebná a osviežujúca masáž, elektroterapia, reumatológická ordinácia, sauna.

pondelok 13. apríla 2009

Boiled frogs-alexisonfire misheard lyrics

Old man sits at his desk
One year from retirement,
And he's up for review
Not quite sure what to do
Each passing year
The workload grows

I'm always wishing, I'm always wishing too late
For things to come my way
It always ends up the same
(Count your blessings)
I must be missing, I must be missing the point
Your signal fades away and all I'm left with is noise
(Count your blessings on one hand)

So wait up, I'm not sleeping alone again tonight
There's so much to dream about, there must be more to my life

Poor little tin man still swinging his axe,
Even though his joints are clogged with rust

My youth is slipping, my youth is slipping away
Safe in monotony, (so safe), day after day
(Count your blessings)
My youth is slipping, my youth is slipping away
Cold wind blows off the lake, and I know for sure that it's too late
(Count your blessings on one hand)

So wait up, I'm not sleeping alone again tonight
There's so much to dream about, there must be more to my life

Can't help but feel betrayed, punch the clock every single day
There's no loyalty and no remorse
Youth sold for a pension cheque
And it makes him fucking sick
He's heating up, he can't say no


So wait up, I'm not sleeping alone again tonight,
There's so much to dream about, there must be more to my life.
(So wait up)
So wait up I'm not sleeping alone again tonight
Between the light and shallow waves is where I'm going to die
Wait up for me
Wait up for me
Wait up for me

Uvarené žaby

Starec sedí pri svojom stole
Jeden rok pred dôchodkom,
uvažuje hodnotiť,
nie veľmi istý tým čo má robiť.
Každý rok, ktorý ubehne
pracovná zaťaž. ktorá rastie.

Ja si vždy želám, vždy so želám lež príliš neskoro
čo sa týka veci, ktoré ma postihnú,
to vždy sa končí rovnako
(zrátaj svoje požehnania)
Musím postrádať, musím postrádat bod,
tvoj signál bledne a všetko, čo som zostáva je lomoz
(zrátaj svoje požehnania na prstoch jednej ruky)

Tak vyčkaj, dnes noci znova nespím sám,
je toho dosť o čom snívať sa dá, musím byť viac v mojom živote

Úbohý malý chudý mužík ešte stále seká svojou sekerou,
hoci jeho kĺby upchané hrdzou sú.

Moja mladosť ubehla, moja mladosť ubehla preč
Istota je jednotvárna, (tak istota) deň po dni
(zrátaj svoje požehnania)
Moja mladosť ubehla, moja mladosť ubehla preč,
chladný vietor od jazera fúka a ja viem, ja určite viem, že je príliš neskoro
(zrátaj svoje požehnania na prstoch jednej ruky)

Tak vyčkaj, dnes noci znova nespím sám,
je toho dosť o čom snívať sa dá, musím byť viac v mojom živote

Nemôže si pomôcť, zradený sa cíti, údery hodín každý jeden deň,
nie je žiadna oddanosť ani žiaden súcit
Mladosť predaná za šek dôchodku
a robí ho to prekliato nemocným
teplota jeho stúpa, nemôže povedať nie.

(ouha! ó! - ó! - ó! - ó!) [x4]

Tak vyčkaj, dnes noci znova nespím sám,
je toho dosť o čom snívať sa dá, musím byť viac v mojom živote
(tak vyčkaj)
Tak vyčkaj, dnes noci znova nespím sám.
Medzi ľahkými a plytkými vlnami kde chystám sa umrieť
Počkaj na mňa
Počkaj na mňa
Počkaj na mňa

The Boiled Frog

  If you put a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will leap out right away to escape the danger.

But, if you put a frog in a kettle that is filled with water that is cool and pleasant, and then you gradually heat the kettle until it starts boiling, the frog will not become aware of the threat until it is too late.
The frog's survival instincts are geared towards detecting sudden changes. 

This is a story that is used to illustrate how people might get themselves into terrible trouble.
This parable is often used to illustrate how humans have to be careful to watch slowly changing trends in the environment, not just the sudden changes. Its a warning to keep us paying attention not just to obvious threats but to more slowly developing ones.

An example:
Let's say that every year, the local well had an inch less of water in it. A person might realize there's a problem if there's suddenly NO water, but a slowly dropping level might not be an obvious crisis until it's too late!
Can you think of other examples?

pondelok 6. apríla 2009

Jewish Beggar


An old Jewish beggar was out on the street, begging with his tin cup. A man passed by and the beggar said to the man, "Sir, could you spare 3 cents for a cup of coffee?"

And the man said, "Where do get coffee for 3 cents?"

And the beggar said, "Who buys retail?"