utorok 12. januára 2010


What is it that we spend most of our imagination on?
The future!
Our imagination is simple an “image” we create
of that which isn’t a reality yet.
It is what we think will be.
If we use our imagination to think that our future is going to be bad,
we call that pessimism,
and pessimism will never help you to become a success.
When we use our imagination to think of a great future,
we call that optimism
and optimism is the thing that will give your life flight.
When you have positive imagination,
when you can see all of the possibilities,
and see them as good,
then will your life take flight on the wings of optimistic imagination!

Since what we imagine is simply a choice of the will,
take some time today
to begin to foster optimism in your life.
Take a situation you think is going to turn out poorly
and begin to change how you think of it.
Use your imagination to see how that situation could turn out great!


2 komentáre:

  1. Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try! (Dr. Seuss)

    Personally Maria , I would sooner have written Alice in Wonderland than the whole Encyclopedia Britannica :)) Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. I think the world really boils down to two types of people - those who see shapes in cloud formations, and those who just see clouds.

    Perhaps imagination is only intelligence having fun.

    Great thought provoking post my dear soul mate Sis! Hugs and Kisses
