utorok 3. februára 2009

Jana Kirschner - ŽIENKA DOMÁCA

Jana Kirschner is not only a beautiful finalist of Miss Slovakia also a very talented young singer. She's got quite a few albums under her belt and here is one of her first and the most popu...

nechcem byť žienka domáca
a už vôbec nechcem vydať sa
nechcem byť žena a mať stres
nechcem mať muža a deti päť

nechcem sa správať rozumne
a všetkým mužom vravieť nie
a každú stredu byť v spolku žien
to nie je pre mňa to je zlý sen

žiť ako kvietok umelý
a čakať kým ma niekto opelí
byť milá a dobrá, to radšej nie-
dúfam, že sa mi to nestane

®: ty chceš a ja nie
veď žiť s tebou to je umenie
nechcem žiť s tebou ale bez teba nie

nechcem sa snažiť o stošesť
aj tak to s tebou nehne
tak čo chceš…
nechcem byť pri tom keď pôjdeš za inou
a so susedou plakať nad vínom
jedného dňa si mladú dovezieš
a mňa do domova dôchodcov odvezieš
a každú stredu v spolku žien
to nie je pre mňa to je zlý sen

2 x ®:

1 komentár:

  1. The lyrics of this song is very witty and this is the reason I so like sing this with Jana K.
    Here I made a quick translation...enjoy them:)

    The home wife

    I do not want to be a home wife
    and at all I want no marry
    I do not want to be a woman who has a stress
    I do not want to have a husband and five children

    I do not want to behave reasonably
    and to all the men I say no
    and every Wednesday in women's club
    it's not for me to be! It´s the bad dream!

    to live like an artificial flower
    and wait until somebody pollinate me,
    to be nice and good, that rather not!
    I hope that never happens to me...

    ®: You want but I do not
    to live with you it is an artistry
    I do not want to live with you but without you no...

    I do not want to strive for one hundred and six
    well as to the property you
    what you want ...
    I do not want to get when you go for another
    and with neighbor wept over wine
    one day you the youngest for yourself find
    and me at the retired home you will remove
    and every Wednesday in the women's club
    it's not for me ! It´s only bad dream!
